Top 8 Dog Breeds Suitable For Apartments

The best dog breeds for apartment


Dogs are human’s best friends, since the dawn of mankind, the connection between these two species is very strong and in many cases unbreakable. Loyal and brave, funny and gentle, lively or phlegmatic dogs are more than just pets, they are members of our families. You need to be aware that every dog needs your attention care and proper training.(read more)

When choosing this new member of the family, you should consider a couple of factors. It’s essential to pick a dog breed that fits your lifestyle and habits. If you are not blessed with a house with a large courtyard, you should consider dog breeds accustomed to apartments. There are also other aspects to think about like :

  • Size of the dog
  • Grooming
  • Energy levels of the dog
  • Your schedule and the amount of time you are willing to dedicate to your dog.
  • Character of the dog(Will they be friendly towards kids, people, or other pets?)

Here is our recommendation of the top 10 dog breeds suitable for apartments and condo complexes :

og breeds suitable for apartments and condo complexes :

Toy poodle

They are cute, elegant, and exceptionally intelligent. The coat is profuse and curly and often styled. The poodle is a clever and loyal companion and one of the oldest dog breeds. Since this dog breed is small it doesn’t require large space. One of the advantages of having this dog is that poodles are generally very obedient and easy to train.[1]

They are playful and friendly towards the kids and enjoy their company. Sometimes they can show restraint and caution toward unfamiliar people but they won’t show any kind of aggressive behaviour. They’ll need some time to get used to their presence that’s all.

One more tip is to try to maintain its coat and even provide professional care every 4 to 6 weeks. Regular brushing is also necessary, and you want to keep its coat short to avoid potential problems like tangles and mats.

Maltese dog

Maltese are affectionate toy dogs weighing less than seven pounds, and covered by a long, straight, silky coat. Maltese are low-shedding, long-lived, and happy to make new friends of all ages. Sometimes stubborn and willful, they respond well to rewards-based training.

 This dog breed is also ancient, aristocratic families use to have them as faithful companions. They are the ideal breed for family, playful and energetic, always ready to explore. Kids-friendly with great patience and tolerance, Maltese dogs will develop great affection and loyalty towards their family and owner.

  They enjoy your company and like to cuddle a lot and don’t be surprised if they are sad and depressed when you don’t dedicate enough time to them or when you are not at home. Sometimes they can be over-protective and charge other dogs and people to protect their owner and territory.

  One more big plus is that their coat is hypoallergenic and they are not shed much. Be prepared to try to keep the coat clean, especially the area around the eyes. Because of tears dark spots can appear there.

 As in all toy breeds, dental maintenance is important, and Maltese should have their teeth brushed daily with a toothpaste specially formulated for dogs, as well as routine cleanings at the vet.

French Bulldog

This characteristic social dog is ideal for small houses and apartments. They are kids friendly,  easy to train and they don’t require too much effort keeping them happy and satisfied. French Bulldogs are real hedonists, they enjoy lying and napping, and if you are not a sport type low energy level of this dog breed will certainly suit you.

Yes, they can be stubborn and passive, but you need to be patient while you train them and have an understanding of their “willful moments”. They are loyal to their owner and ready to protect him with his life. If you work from home French Bulldogs will probably follow you where ever you go, that’s their way to show you love and dedication.

They get along with other dogs and pets but sometimes they can be possessive and jealous if you commit more attention to other pets. You’ll probably keep your neighbors happy because this dog breed is not loud at all. They won’t bark unless they have a good reason.

    Frenchies are prone to breathing problems like all flat-faced breeds and do poorly in hot or humid weather. Flat-faced breeds are also more sensitive to anesthesia. Another common problem for them is the so-called ” Cherry eye” condition.  That means juvenile cataracts and entropion are likely to emerge.

These dogs have a short coat that sheds minimally, weekly brushing with a medium bristle brush will help you to remove shed hair and keep them looking at their best.

French Bulldogs don’t require too much physical activity either, short walks or outdoor sessions of play are enough to keep your dog in shape. Avoid forcing any physical activities in hot weather due to breathing difficulty problems.[2]

Shih Tzu

This dog breed is also known as a “small lion from Tibet”, it is well-recognized by its long coat that comes in many colors. This adorable charmer with a smile on its face and big dark eyes will immediately gather your attention. His favorite position is in your lap, just sitting there and being delightful.

Shih Tzu is also known for his affection towards children, this dog breed gets along with other pets. It quickly bonds to its owner and strives for attention. Shih Tzu is a social dog accustomed to people’s presence it doesn’t like to be alone for a longer period.

Weighing between 9 to 16 pounds, and standing between 8 and 11 inches, are surprisingly solid for dogs their size. Because of their heavy coats and short faces, they aren’t good swimmers and don’t tolerate the heat well. A common problem with this dog breed is having eye anomalies including cataracts, retinal detachment, and corneal dryness.

 A Shih Tzu with a long coat requires daily brushing. Use a good-quality wire brush with flexible pins, and layer the hair to be sure you reach the skin.

A bath about every three or four weeks will help to keep the coat clean and at its best. Do not forget to comb their mustache and keep the area around their eyes clean.

This dog breed is ideal for apartment or house conditions, so they don’t need a lot of exercise. Short walks or quick play sessions will satisfy their activity needs.


This cute and charming toy-looking dog is well-known for his overall good health condition and intelligence and fast-learning abilities. This dog breed has its history, bred by Scottish mine workers who wanted to develop a ratting terrier, they earned a living as a work-dogs in mines and miles. After that, they become popular, especially among aristocratic families as lap dogs for Victorian and post-Victorian ladies.

Yorkshire terrier is a playful, energetic, and curious dog with a strong character.  Standing only 7lb they are fearless and ready to give a life for their owner. Because they are confident and brave they’ll charge much bigger dogs if they feel threatened. So, in this small package, you get a loyal life companion and a fearsome watchdog.

Every small dog needs to exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. Taking the Yorkshire terrier on short walks twice a week or playing with him in the backyard or park will do the trick.

 Starting from an early age, the Yorkie should be socialized to strange situations, people, and other dogs. Take him into new situations slowly, and always in a calm and happy atmosphere creating a positive experience.

 This is an essential step because you want to avoid possible aggressive behavior. Yorkshire terriers can be overprotective, intolerant, and even jealous towards kids. They can show this negative aspect of their character when you dedicate more time and attention to someone else.

The Yorkshire Terrier’s coat is very similar to human hair and should be treated accordingly. If the coat is kept long, it needs to be brushed daily. To avoid any kind of eye infection you should keep the hair on the upper part of the had short. One of the general recommendations is to bathe them twice per week.

Boston Terrier

This charming and cute “American gentleman” enjoys your presence and attention. Energetic and fun with his charismatic temperament represents one of the best dog breeds for apartments and condos. Dedicated to his owner and family Boston Terrier doesn’t like to be left alone for a longer period. This dog breed is quiet so it won’t disturb your neighbors.

Boston Terriers are small compacted shorted tails and well-balanced dogs weighing only 25 pounds. A square head is characteristic of them along with round eyes which can shine with kindness or curiosity. These bright people-oriented dogs will know how to amuse you and put a smile on your face.

Boston Terriers do shed, though not much. Weekly brushing is highly recommended, especially with a soft-bristle brush or a hound glove. They need a bath occasionally unless they do something messy. Be aware to take care of their nails, which should be trimmed regularly, because long nails can cause pain while your dog is walking or running. Taking them for a walk or just letting them run in a park is not enough, you should commit more time to your Boston Terrier by throwing him a ball or favorite toy.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This small dog breed with an aristocratic name is strictly a social dog accustomed to people’s presence and it will follow you anywhere you go. His warm and lustrous eyes will win over your heart.

  Cavalier Spaniel knows how to extract unlimited sources of food just by sitting in your lap and being cute, this breed is not loud and you won’t hear him barking without reason.

They get along nicely with kids and other dogs. Depending on your lifestyle and physical activity, Cavalier Spaniel can become a “lap dog” and “couch potato “or it can be an active athlete.

Cavaliers are generally healthy dogs but some issues can emerge. They are prone to cataracts, hip dysplasia, middle ear infections, and certain heart diseases. Cavalier’s coat needs regular brushing to keep it clean without tangles and your dog will particularly enjoy a full-body massage.[3]

That’s a fine opportunity to check for any unusual bumps or other issues. Nails should be trimmed at least once per month to avoid any kind of discomfort and pain during physical activities.

Cavaliers have a gentle temper and they are easy to train, with their sweet and calm nature they are excellent therapy dogs.

Don’t try to yell or punish him if he does something wrong. These dogs are very sensitive and they can become nervous and depressive if you are too harsh with them. Instead, punishment encourages desired behavior by rewarding his positive actions.  


Sensitive and cute, this small white cloud of positive energy will gather your affection in no time. Kind and obedient, this dog-toy breed is an ideal solution for small apartments because it doesn’t require too much space.

 With a hyperallergic coat and great patience towards kids and other pets, Bichon is a great companion. He is well-known for his friendly attitude and approach, there are no strangers to him, just friends he hasn’t met yet.

Bichons are healthy dogs, but some issues can emerge like allergies, bladder infections, and cataracts. They might experience early tooth loss or complications with gum infections. Hyperallgetic, they shed very little, Bichon should be brushed at least two or three times per week, but every day would be an ideal solution. Bath and clipping are also needed at least once per month.

This dog breed is active and stunningly fast, they like to run through apartments and even better in courtyards, parks, and any larger open space. Long walks with a combination of active playing sessions are enough to keep your Bichon happy and satisfied.

Bichons are very easy to train, they enjoy performing tricks and learning new ones quickly. They are responding to positive rewards rather than harsh punishments. Be honest, do you have the heart to bully this cute ball of fur?


Choosing the right dog breed for house living is essential for a harmonious living environment. The aforementioned dog breeds are known for their adaptability, size, and temperaments that make them well-suited for indoor living. Remember that each dog is an individual, and while breed characteristics are important, individual personalities and needs should also be considered when selecting the perfect canine companion for your home.