From Earliest Childhood to College … He Is The Best

I don’t really believe in fate, but it’s so pretty to imagine that my boyfriend and I were meant to be together.

My mom and my boyfriend’s mom became friends in college and ended up pregnant around the same time. They would joke about how we might one day end up together, but they moved away to a different part of the country when we were both toddlers, so I never actually had any memories of him or his family. We met again when we were in high school. Neither of us was really interested in the other but we traded social media and one day in college, he DMed me and complimented me. Then we started talking more, and more, and more. One day, I just thought “fuck it” and invited him to come to visit me at my college, and, surprisingly, he bought tickets that week.

I was shocked, excited, and nervous. I somehow convinced this guy I barely know to come visit. What if he’s weird? Gross? What if we just don’t vibe??? But he comes, everything is super pleasant and easy, and my cold dead heart (lol, I had a really tough year, lots of loss and grief) felt something…? We keep talking, but I try to brush off my feelings because he lives on the other side of the country. I waited and waited for him to make a move but he didn’t, and eventually, I got fed up and asked him out. And the rest is history! In the last year of our relationship, we’ve visited each other multiple times, lived together for months at a time (hallelujah remote work), traveled internationally, and spent time with each others’ families.

He is the most caring, loving, patient, and silly man. He makes my heart glow, and I hope I get to marry him one day.

Thanks for letting me tell our story <3

TLDR: my boyfriend and I were friends as babies, he moved away, we reconnect in high school and end up dating in college, best boyfriend ever