How to find a perfect balance between life and career, 7 Helpful Tips

Work-life balance
Happy man sitting on scales with words work and life. Finding balance between career or financial success and relationships or family vector illustration. Lifestyle, time management concept for banner

Finding a perfect balance between career and emotional life could be challenging. This equivalence is essential if you want to maintain emotional (mental) and physical health. Dedication to your career and work ethic has its benefits and potentials like :

  • Increasing awareness and productivity at a workplace
  • Creating a sense of belonging and importance among colleagues.
  • Making business relations and connections
  • Financial independence

Positive Example

Good balance means establishing some kind of harmony between these two factors or taking the best from both worlds.  Many people are trying to find the right formula between business and personal life, and you have to be aware that there is no such thing as a “perfect balance”[1].When you make your schedule try to be realistic and productive as much as you can, don’t strive for a perfect organization plan and flawless schedule.

You can be faced with unpredictable circumstances and problems at work, so there will be days when you have to focus more on your job and even stay overtime to complete all assignments. While other days you might have more time and energy to pursue your hobbies and spend time with family. A good work-life balance has various positive effects, including less stress, lower risk of burnout, and a more stable personal life.

Negative Example

If you are spending too much time in your workplace your overall health can be compromised in the long run. You won’t have enough time to deal with other aspects of your life. The situation gets worse if you find yourself in a toxic environment where expectations are sky-high and the amount of total work is constantly increasing. Due to these circumstances, you are under tension and stress experiencing numerous problems from a bad diet to insomnia. 

Stress is a response of our organism to unpredicted and unexpected situations. Small amounts of stress can boost your awareness and effect positively on your productivity. Chronic stress is something you want to avoid at any cost, it damages almost all segments of your life. Burnout is a result of emotional and physical exhaustion after a longer period.

On the other hand, you can find yourself in the opposite situation. You don’t have a full-time job, you are working occasionally or part-time, which gives you more space for your emotional and personal life. You are starting to realize that your financial situation gets worse and all other problems start to emerge with it. Because of existential crises, you are under constant pressure and stress which can lead to dark holes of depression. 

Pay attention to your health

Regardless of your age, profession, and gender, your health should be prioritized, many people are disregarding and forgetting this crucial factor. Your commitment to work, great salary, and passion for your career are inferior in comparison to your overall health. If you don’t care for yourself you won’t be in a position to effectively deal with daily obligations.

If you want to maintain your physical and mental health you need to reserve some time for your personal needs. For example, feeling depressed and anxious can be harmful to your mental health, don’t wait for the situation to get worse seek a help from therapist and be consistent with the sessions. No business meeting, seminar, or webinar is more important than your emotional well-being.

Dissatisfaction with your physical appearance could represent one of the potential problems for you. Start planning your workout routine put that in your calendar or reminder. You have to be constant and patient with your training, also you have to stick to your diet plan as well and the results will be reflected in a mirror.(read more)

Set your priority list

You have to be sure how you are distributing your time between your job, family obligations, and personal interests or hobbies. This skill of balancing between different aspects of life is gaining over time and continually improving throughout a whole life. Having a constant workflow and ethics is a great thing because you will be more successful in creating various business plans, calendars, assignments lists, and other gadgets which can help you to boost your productivity.

The important part is setting realistic goals and ambitions, having high standards is something positive, but you don’t want to strive for perfection. As I recently mentioned there is no such thing as a perfect proportion between career and personal life, but being effective and disciplined at work will certainly help you to finish all your working tasks on time and have more time for yourself and loved ones

You have to love what you do

Every job becomes incomparably easier if you truly like what you do, maybe the best combination is when your hobby becomes a full-time job. You don’t have to enjoy all areas of your job, but there must be a part which you prefer the most. Maybe your current profession and position aren’t highly paid, but you might be able to compensate for that by conducting a less stressful job and maybe having more time for yourself.

The worst possible combination is that you find yourself in a toxic environment with people you dislike and tolerate all kinds of unpleasant situations and even abuse. If you are eager to keep your mental stability and health intact, get out of there! Change a job or in case you reached total burnout you might want to consider a career change.

Consider your financial state


Since we are living in material world finances are quite important aspect of your life. One thing you should have in mind is a long-run financial plan where you should carefully consider your financial aspirations, goals, and risks. Prioritizing your investments is a first step. That can be easier said than done especially for young people in their 20s. Economization and saving are two very important factors that can help you to overcome difficult and unpredictable times.

When you are earning more money, your life standard and expenses are increasing, that is logical and fine that you want to reward yourself for hard work but you always have to be aware of your financial priority list. For example, now I don’t have a place on my own I have to buy a house or apartment, or my car is old and dysfunctional I have to get a new one.

Yeah, it is challenging to stay modest and humble when you have extra cash but over time you’ll develop a sense for money, and you are going to respect and value every penny you earn. Just ask yourself do I need an expensive vacation right now, or do I have to go to fancy restaurants every evening? Saving money for emergency scenarios or investing in something smarter in the future is a far better option.

Stay in touch with your family and loved ones

If you are a workaholic and you are juggling a career, harmony between your professional and emotional life can be seriously disrupted. You can find yourself lonely and isolated which can lead to depression. Don’t underestimate the warmth of the family home, value and preserve real friendships. Remember that your family and friends are the first people to respond if you are in some kind of trouble or just having a hard time. Spend more quality time with your loved ones and never disregard the fact that no company will love you and appreciate you more than your own family.

No matter how successful you are, stay in touch with them, this small group of people will provide you with unconditional love and support along save shelter during the darkest times in your life.

Use your vacations

One of the most effective ways to prevent complete burnout is to use vacations or spare days you have at your disposal. Many employees are afraid of losing workflow and efficiency after the break. Don’t worry about that, relaxing and enjoying your vacation will only have a positive effect on your mind and body.

You are going to charge your batteries and back to work feeling ready and prepared for upcoming challenges and tasks. Don’t be afraid to completely unplug yourself, avoid online meetings business calls, emailing, texting, or anything related to your job.

This is an ideal opportunity to spend more quality time with your friends and family, your work assignments and projects will beyond doubt wait for you.

Set clear boundaries and working hours

This is an important part of time management and overall daily organization. Setting clear boundaries and working hours is the first line of defense against burnout and will establish better symmetry between private life and career. Whether you work away from home or in your room setting specific working hours is highly recommended.

 You don’t want to be overloaded with work and try to avoid accepting working tasks just before you clock out or thinking about upcoming projects. Well, if you are a workaholic you might catch yourself answering e-mails and phone calls during holidays, weekends, and days off. It would be ideal to have a computer and phone only for work, and once you finish your shift or working hours just turn them off.   


Striking a balance between a successful career and a fulfilling personal life is a lifelong journey. By setting priorities, defining boundaries, managing time effectively, practicing self-care, cultivating supportive relationships, and embracing flexibility, you can navigate this delicate dance with grace. Remember, work-life balance is not about achieving perfection in both domains simultaneously but rather finding a sustainable harmony that allows you to thrive personally and professionally.

