I’ll say it frankly – I’m a coward

I knew this girl since 6th grade but we never talked or anything until last year of 10th grade. We had two classes together and in the first period we didn’t talk, but in the fourth period we would, because I would sit with my cousin who was really good friends with her and she sat with her and we had our own little table where we just talked. One day my cousin was out sick and it was just me and her and it was really awkward because it was just me and her and we didn’t say a word to each other and I was also really sick that day.

When class was over, I headed out the door to head to the student parking lot to leave, but then she ran up to me, waved at me and gave me a big smile and asked me if I was okay because I guess she saw that I was sick and it was when I fell in love with her so we just talked until we broke up. Time flew by like seconds.

What made me really fall in love with her was last year’s pep rally and again my cousin was sick so it was just me and her and she met her friend at the pep rally. At the end of the pep rally she asked me if she could leave to drop off her friend and I asked her why she was asking my permission and her response melted my heart, she responded with, “Because I don’t want to go alone” .

Now we are in 11th grade and we talk to each other every day and play games together almost every day but I am too nervous and afraid to take a step. My love is growing day by day, but I still don’t have the courage.