Just a cute love story from my friend’s aunt and uncle

Love story! So, I’m gonna call my friends Aunt Amelia and her husband Victor. Amelia (26,F) had a more or less normal childhood, and Victor(24M) did not. His parents were strict to the point of it being child abuse, honestly. He got up, went to school, went home and stayed home all day and studied, then did the same thing the next day. If he got anything less than an Amelia, his parents would lock him in a closet for hours on end. His parents were also gone a lot for work and he wasn’t allowed to cook for himself or have snacks, and to this day he can only eat one small meal a day cus his body is used to not eating a lot (that’s what he says at least.) And Amelia had to remind him to eat at times.

Once he was 17, he ran away from home and was more or less homeless. He got really wild, to an unhealthy amount. He went to parties every night and would usually pass out on the floor at some point, that’s where he slept. He also slept around a lot, over all just trying to be as free as he possibly could after being with his parents.

One night, Victor went to a party and Amelia happened to be there. Victor couldn’t help but find her really pretty and kept staring at her to the point Victor thought he was some creep. Some of the people at the party decided to play seven minutes in Heaven and Victor and Amelia ended up having to go together, which Amelia almost didn’t do because Victor would’ve stop staring at her. According to Victor, he wanted to talk to her really badly, but he kept over thinking it, even though he talked to girls he liked all the time with no problem. “I’m too drunk, I’ll seem weird to her. I’m way too anxious, I should have another drink and calm myself down and then talk to her.” Was more or less on a continuous loop in his head according to Victor.

But either way, for whatever reason Amelia decided to go in the closet with him. Only problem is, Victor has some problems from being locked in a closet as a child and has panic attacks when in closed-in and dark spaces. Why did Victor decide to play seven minutes in heaven if he was probably gonna have a panic attack if he tried to play, well because he ignores his problems no matter what, that’s why. Plus, he wants to get closer to this cute girl he wanted to talk to.

Once in said closet, Victor is immediately wanting to see how comfortable Amelia is with being touched and kissed and all that, but he barely gets a hand on her before he starts to have a metal break down.

As for Amelia, she just feels a hand go on her hip and then this weirdo starts to hyperventilate and apparently starts crying (Victor told me and my friend he never started crying, but Amelia says he was crying “like a bitch”). She asked if his ok and he just seemed to be getting worse and worse, but still asks her. “Can I kiss you?” And ignores his having some kind of mental breakdown.

Of course, she thinks this guy is weird and more or less kisses his cheek and gets him out of the closet, although his swearing up and down his perfectly fine. They spend the whole night together after that and hit it off the whole time, more or less becoming glued to the hip and start dating.

He calmed down with parties after this and the two have been dating since then (I have no idea when they started dating or meet, but they are married now). He still swears he has perfect mental health, and she still takes care of him well he swears up and down his fine. His still skinny as hell, but they have been to a nutritionist (she more or less held him at gun point to make him go) and they have been working on making him eat healthy, which so far is him sitting at the table and pouting well she makes him sit there until he finishes his food, as if his a toddler.

His also treats her like a queen. He loves the art of any kind and will make her artwork, drawings and weird junk jewelry, which I have seen her wearing any time I’ve seen her. He also LOVES to cook for her, kiss her, cuddle her and act like a puppy around her. He also buys her things and just does whatever she wants.

Once his mental health is a little better they are thinking about having a kid, but that is a little in the future for right now, but it’s something they can work for I guess.