Top 10 most stubborn dog breeds

The Most Stubborn Dog Breeds


Dogs are loyal and faithful companions always ready to protect you, entertain you, and show unconditional love and trust. Having a new member of the family is a great commitment, and providing proper training and socialization is essential for any responsible dog owner.

There are over 800 dog breeds in the world, so you have a vast spectrum of possible choices. Some dogs are easier to train due to their gentle character, fast learning, and adaptability skills. They are generally obedient and always ready to master new commands and perform a couple of original tricks.

On the other hand, we have ” antagonists ” in the dog world, breeds that are hard to train and socialize. That doesn’t mean that these dogs are bad pets and unwanted in your home, some of them are the most loyal and most protective breeds you’ll ever be able to find. You just need to put extra effort and patience into all aspects of their training. (read more)

They are called stubborn breeds due to their specific, independent, dominant, and aggressive character. Yes, they can be playful, energetic, lazy, and even overprotective, but they all are loveable and charismatic. Here is our list of the top 10 most self-willed dog breeds:

Siberian Husky

This breed is one of the most attractive in the dog world. Graceful medium-sized with almond-shaped brown or blue eyes will win over your heart in no time. Siberian Huskies are work dogs used to drag sleights, so they are energetic and they need a lot of exercise. Since they are born-packs animals, they get along quite well with other dogs.

These lively dogs can’t resist chasing other smaller animals, which can be problematic if you have another pet. Intelligent but independent and stubborn Siberian Huskies are bred to have a purpose, they aren’t couch potatoes, busy and active Siberian Husky is a happy one.

They enjoy your company and if you are a sport type they’ll enjoy jogging and running with you since they have a strong desire to do so. Siberian Huskies don’t like to be left alone for a longer time, they don’t tolerate warm weather either, so digging holes in the ground and finding a cool spot is something typical for this breed. The best possible approach to training is to make it fun for both of you, unleash your Husky in a securely fenced area, and never allowed off lead.



This well-recognized dog breed with a long body and short legs can be stubborn and willful. They have a pretty long lifespan between 12 and 16 years(with proper care ) and one of the main features of this breed is their awareness and caution making them ideal watchdogs.

These “barking sausages” are bred to be independent hunters, so don’t be surprised if they disobey your command or instruction. They would rather run and seek potential prey than listen to your orders. Individuality and self-willingness are parts of their character.

Dachshund is a very brave and loyal dog breed, it prefers its owner’s company and needs regular exercise to strengthen its back muscles and stay fit. Because of their strong sense of smell, they can be easily distracted by tracking or sniffing around.

They love to give and receive attention, dachshund are smart and sensitive and don’t react well to harsh punishments and rough treatment. The best results were provided by reward-based training. You have to start in the earliest weeks of life and be consistent and patient.


This tinny dog has its personality and charm. Chihuahua is the national symbol of Mexico and this breed has a history that dates back in Pre- Columbian times making Chihuahua one of the oldest dog breeds in America.

They possess loyalty, specific charm, and a big-dog attitude. These lap dogs can be very lazy and territorial, ideal for small apartments and condos. Do not be tricked by their small and fragile appearance, chihuahuas can be aggressive, over-protective, and extremely stubborn.

Sometimes you gonna need a professional dog trainer to discipline them. Tiny and fierce without adequate training chihuahuas can attack anyone who steps into their household or territory. They love to run and play and usually, they can get enough exercise in a very small space. Short walks will also do the trick to keep your dog healthy and satisfied.

 As mentioned, before training inadequate training can cause a lot of problems. From the very beginning, you have to impose and establish authority. Do not let the chihuahua puppy do anything that will be unacceptable later in adulthood. Prevent any signs of negative and undesired behavior and be persuasive and consistent.

Jack Russel Terrier

This dog breed is one of the most energetic and playful you can find in the dog world. This small energy ball is bred for hunting and it can be extremely lively and hyperactive. Russel Terrier looks like a plush toy, it has a muscular and compact body, agility and speed are its strongest physical attributes.

This dog is not for everyone, especially for less active people. Jack Russel is not a “lazy bag” he needs constant physical activity and exercise. It has a strong desire to do something and it is most satisfied with its owner and some kind of activity to conduct.

This dog breed doesn’t get along with other pets and dogs, it has a desire to chase smaller animals since Russel Terriers are also hunting dogs. Jack Russel can be vocal and very loud, which makes him a fine watchdog. It doesn’t stand the presence of small children it wants all your attention for itself.

With an almost unlimited source of energy, Jack Russel is a great partner for activities like hiking, cycling, or running. This dog enjoys different problem-solving games. Stubbornness and headstrongness are two negative aspects of its character. This breed has to be trained and socialized from puppyhood. Gathering his attention sometimes can be extremely difficult.

While you are training your Rusell Terrier try to be creative and original, and give your dog to perform tasks and activities with the same dedication they were bred to have for hunting purposes. They can learn and master new tricks quite fast and easily get bored, so try to mix different activities and games to keep your Jack Russel engaged the whole time.


This dog breed originates from Japan, double coated and muscular Akitas are well-known for their strong attitude and complex personality. Dominant, quiet with great affection towards their family Akitas can be ideal companions when are properly trained and socialized. On the other hand, they can be over-protective and threatening towards strangers and other dogs.

They are never bred to live or work in a group, Akitas prefer to be the only dog in a family. Yes, it can tolerate other dogs but it will try to establish its dominance over other dog/dogs and try to maintain the status of the top dog. These highly intelligent dogs can easily become bored with training so they are not suitable for everyone, especially if you are new to dog training.

Akita prefers your company it will follow you anywhere you go always ready to protect you, although Akita has a fit and muscular body you still need to provide some extra time for exercise.

They enjoy moderate walks or jogging in a park or around city blocks. Akitas also like to play with different requisites and they can adapt very well to life in a home. They are bred as guardians and hunting dogs with great endurance to stand harsh weather conditions.

Akitas are instinctive guardians, proper training and socialization have to be provided from an early age. They have to understand and accept that not all unfamiliar faces are a threat. Because of their independence and strong, dominant character, they might become aggressive toward other dogs, particularly the same sex. As a responsible owner, you should be extra careful in these situations.


Beagles are considered one of the finest hunting hounds. They were bred in packs so they will get along with other dogs and even different animals. Beagles are curious and friendly dogs with great affection toward children.

 They are accustomed to people’s presence and they’ll certainly miss you if you are not around for some time. Then, beagles can become nervous and destructive, since beagles are very friendly they are not ideal watchdogs, they’ll bark at strangers but they probably won’t confront them.

 These cute face dogs are hard to train, obedience is not their stronger side. However, beagles are famous for their independent and stubborn character. They are hard to please and sometimes gathering their attention is an impossible mission.

Since they’re haunting dogs it is in their nature to roam. To prevent them to wander away, keep them contained in the yard or on a leash when you are taking your dog for a walk. These active and energetic dogs need physical activity daily. It’s not enough to just let him run in a backyard, beagles prefer company, they’ll enjoy playing with you or other dogs in a park.

Early training and establishing positive behavior are a must. Beagles are intelligent but sensitive dogs, rough treatment and harsh punishments are contra productive methods. Try positive reinforcement treatment and occupy their attention with your creativity.

Fox Terrier

Fox terriers are highly intelligent, agile, and muscular dogs bred to hunt. Today they are mostly family and show dogs, highly energetic ready to play and explore. They are ideal companions for children and rarely get bored playing with them. This dog breed is affectionate and protective, they’ll bark at strangers and other dogs.

Since they are so playful and curious physical activity is essential. This breed is the happiest when it’s active. Fox terriers have hunting instincts, so they can like other hunting hounds easily wander off in some kind of new adventure. They also enjoy digging holes in the yard and chasing smaller animals highlighting their hunting instinct.

Be aware that Fox Terriers have a strong attitude and disciplining and training them could be a nightmare for inexperienced owners. This breed could be aggressive and jealous of other pets. Puppy training classes are a must here if you want to develop positive behavior.


This elegant and athletic dog is noted by the dark spots on its unique white coat. Dalmatian is a loyal and fearless companion, always ready to protect its master. Bred to be a working dog and reliable guardian his protective instincts remained at a high level.

The Dalmatian breed gained additional popularity after showing Disney’s animated movie. Well, these dogs can get used to living in an apartment or condo, although they are not quite suitable for staying in a small space.

 This breed is highly intelligent, with a great memory, a reserved attitude, and aggressiveness toward other dogs and strangers makes them fine watchdogs. You have to be extra careful when Dalmatian is around small children.  If the dog is not made familiar with the kids at a young age, they may behave defensively so proper training and socialization has to be provided.

If you like sports activities like hiking, running, or jogging, Dalmatian would be a great companion for you. They enjoy running and fetching games and long walks in nature. These exercises will make your Dalmatian fit and happy.

Despite their reserved attitude and personality, training Dalmatians can be challenging. They should be though to behave from the very beginning. Introduce and expose your puppy to unusual but pleasant situations, and encourage positive behavior by rewarding your dog. You’ll be able to avoid all kinds of unpleasant situations and scenes from depression to destructivity.

Basset Hound

This hunting dog is iconic and well-recognized for its unique appearance. Bassets are heavy-boned dogs with large heads and long hanging ears along with expressive eyes and hanging hips. Build to be endurant with a strong hunting instinct they tend to dig in a backyard or park constantly searching for potential prey.

They are bred in packs so they are used to the presence of other dogs and they get along quite well with kids and other pets. With almost zero aggressiveness they are welcoming strangers with a loud bark, so they are not ideal watchdogs.

 This dog breed is not active as much as other hunting hounds but moderate exercise is still recommended. Since Baseets enjoy the company of other dogs, they can be very cheerful and playful. Physical activities will prevent obesity and keep your dog fit and happy. Now here comes a tricky part, despite their phlegmatic character and intelligence, these dogs are not easy to train.

 Bassets are generally stubborn with an independent mindset and this breed isn’t suitable for someone who lacks experience in dog training. Since it’s hard to gather his attention you have to be patient and creative. Bassets are bred to track and hunt potential prey without distraction so they can often ignore your commands. Using treats and early socialization in puppyhood is crucial, and you have to be consistent and persuasive while you train your Basset Hound.

Scottish Terrier:

This dog breed has distinctive furnishings at its beard legs and lower body. They have bright piercing eyes and erect ears and tails. The back is relatively level and muscular. These dogs have a long-life expectancy of between 13 to 15 years. These dogs were bred to hunt down small animals and they have a strong desire to dig holes and search for “potential victims”.

Their main feature is a strong and self-willed character, despite their intelligence Scottish Terriers are hard to train. They possess human-like characters and as adults, Scottish Terriers can become very moody.

This dog breed is often hostile towards strangers, which makes them excellent watchdogs, and they aren’t kid-friendly. They’ll also dig holes in your courtyard and find several ways to entertain themselves. Scottish Terriers don’t require too much of your attention.

However, they are quite energetic dogs, and regular exercise is also needed. Decent walks will do the trick, as well as intensive playtime with their favorite toy or requisite. All of that activity will keep them in good shape and mood, they are also accustomed to living in apartments or condos.

While you are training your Scottish Terrier, long sessions are contra-productive, because this breed is smart and intelligent, and they can easily get bored. So you have to be more original and try to challenge your dog with certain tasks. Don’t tell them what to do let them figure out. Positive results and behavior reward properly.


While these top 10 most stubborn dog breeds present unique challenges when it comes to training, they also bring unparalleled joy and loyalty to their owners. Understanding their independent natures and employing consistent, positive reinforcement training methods will help forge a strong bond and unlock the full potential of these strong-willed canines. Remember, patience and perseverance are key when dealing with stubborn breeds, as the rewards of their companionship and love are truly priceless.