The 5 Best Destinations to Visit in Europe:

The Best Destinations to Visit in Europe


The Old Continent has to offer many destinations and dazzling places. Prepare yourself to discover many attractive locations with amazing histories, natural wonders, and breathtaking sights. If you can’t decide which country to visit first, let us give you an insight into the most charming and popular locations all over Europe. It’s not an easy choice to make but let us present to you our list of the most amazing cities and regions to visit. Consider this proposition if you plan to spend your vacation in Europe.

Yes, France can offer you numerous unforgettable places and destinations, you can relate so many things to this wonderful country like cabarets, croissants, French kiss, revolution, vine… you name it. France can offer you so many attractive places with rich historical backgrounds and traditions but your starting point should be a city of light and love-Paris.

The history of this amazing city dates back to 259.BC when Celtic tribes settled on the banks of the river Seine. The city changed its name to Paris during the 4th century A.D. Paris became the capital during the rain of Clovis, the first king of the Franks.

Paris remained the capital during the rule of the Capetian dynasty in the period from 987 to 1328. This remarkable city became flourished and prosperous during the 11th century thanks to its trade in silver and suitable strategic position.

Paris was faced with a variety of challenges and setbacks during medieval history. From the Bubonic Plague in 1328 and the Merchant Uprising of 1358 to the Tax Riot in 1382. All of these events were only episodes in a 100-year war fought between England and France. (1337-1453). Paris fell into the hands of the English during the rain of Henry VI in 1431. English forces were driven out of Paris 5 years later.

528 ruled by Francis I Paris became the largest city in Western Europe and the 16th century was marked by religious wars and clashes between Catholics and Protestants. The decline of the monarchy, constant recession, and inflation resulted in the French Revolution of 1789. Turbulent times of revolution and Jacobin dictatorship had left their mark on Paris as well as the rise of Napoleon and The First French Empire.

Urban development in Paris significantly accelerated during the rule of Napoleon’s nephew Emperor Napoleon III, the whole center of the city was changed and redesigned. Paris suffered a certain amount of damage and destruction during the war against Prussia when most of Paris was occupied.

At the time of the Great War (WW1) Paris was a target during German offensives, it was bombed from the air and with artillery shells but never fell to enemy hands. It was occupied by Nazi Germany in 1940 and liberated in 1944. This unique and magnificent city suffered important changes in the 20th century. Whole new neighborhoods were built and the old ones were reconstructed.

Paris can be regarded as the “cultural capital of Europe,” this city is well-recognized by its museums, monuments, and churches. From the iconic Tour de Eiffel to the Notre Dame and Louvre Museum, you can see why Paris is beating the heart of France and the cultural center of Europe. Your visit won’t be complete without exploring the famous Champs- Elysees and Arc de Triomphe, one of the world’s most famous commemorative monuments

View from Eiffel Tower is astonishing you can see the whole city’s panorama and the river Seine flanked by museums, churches, and old-town city blocks of Rococo and Neoclassic design. You won’t be disappointed if you are in Paris only for shopping. Almost the whole Champs- Elysees Avenue is full of designer shops, exclusive boutiques, and other places to satisfy your fashion appetite.

You won’t leave Paris with an empty belly, right? Because of developed gastronomical tourism, France is one of the favorite destinations for gourmands and hedonists. You have to try some of the most famous specialties of French cuisine if your finances allow you can visit exclusive Micheline-starred restaurants.
