Why Finding A Valauble Mentor Is Important For Your Career


The beginning of your career always seems bright – you have a lot of ideas, desire, energy. But soon it becomes demanding, sometimes you come across a wall of misunderstanding, excessive expectations, beginner’s mistakes.

You want to progress, but it’s as if you’ve fallen into a vicious circle and every move … seems like a mistake. Or maybe not, but you’re not entirely sure. Then a mentor enters the scene – if there is someone who will guide you through the pitfalls of modern business, you are a lucky person. With mutual benefit, you will get answers to the questions that bother you, and the mentor will see in you a person worthy of tutoring. Be aware that cooperating with recognized experts in your field can positively affect your CV and cover letter.(read more)


Obvious reasons why having a mentor is an advantage

Not familiar with the term “mentoring”? Here’s an explanation – mentoring is a business/intellectual relationship between a more experienced professional (mentor) and a less experienced professional (mentee). A tutor provides advice as well as support and guidance to help the mentee grow and develop in their career. What are the advantages? Well, here are just a few listed:

Learn from someone who has already walked that path

The tutor has experience in your field, probably faced the same dilemmas, made similar mistakes, took identical actions. The right mentor will offer you valuable insights into good moves as well as hidden business pitfalls that are not visible at first glance. He/she has knowledge and experience that you may not be able to find elsewhere.

You will expend your business network

If you prove to be a grateful student, your instructor will surely introduce you to new people in your field. It will be very helpful as you build your career. Exchange of knowledge, interesting ideas, productive meetings, innovations … you will feel accepted everywhere.

* You will develop new skills, mostly communication and presentation of ideas

As constant work with your educator requires successful communication, every day your abilities, presentations, presentation of ideas, exchange of data will get better and better, because you will be freed from public pressure and performance. Simply, with a mentor, step by step in addition to the basic path, you will also see the bigger picture. And that sometimes makes a noticeable difference.

*You will gain confidence

Just like your driving instructor, he will give you step-by-step instructions on how to “drive” through the business network. Sometimes the ride will be slow and sometimes crazy fast, just like ordinary life. And so, over time, you will gain self-confidence, which is necessary in today’s time.

* You will receive honest feedback

A true teacher is a critic, he does not favor his student or allow obvious mistakes. Learning and passing on knowledge to younger colleagues is a source of great satisfaction, especially if the students prove worthy of the transferred knowledge. Therefore, a tutor does not like liars or troublemakers who need a shortcut to success. This is also the reason why mentors often give an honest assessment of your knowledge and progress, and that’s the only way you can be successful.

How to find a great mentor?

First, to be clear, it is not easy, because time is the most precious resource. Some people who would make excellent instructors simply don’t have enough time to devote to a new mentee. Usually, two things are necessary: time, mutual desire. Where would it be easiest to find a tutor for personal development and career?

Look at your company first, because you have the same goals, success and well-being of the company. In every department you have older and more experienced colleagues. With the right set of communication and respect, you will be able to persuade a more experienced colleague to be your mentor and reveal the “secrets” of the job.

Unfortunately, sometimes this will not be possible. Don’t have any illusions, sometimes the business environment is very competitive and “poisonous”, so beware of “friends” who would gladly “help” you (actually destroy you).

Sometimes the right places are when you attend networking events within your industry and type of business. People who are in other companies or work independently often like to exchange ideas, so maybe one of them could be your new mentor. New people bring new energy. Also, official associations of professionals in your field can be useful, for your further professional path with a mentor.

Use LinkedIn, because it’s a great tool for finding and connecting with people in your field. From beginners to people with vast experience, most are on LinkedIn. Introduce yourself and communicate regularly – it is possible that one of your senior and experienced colleagues will invite you to a joint meeting, where you will exchange knowledge. It is a good step towards rapprochement and later mentoring.[1]

How to approach a right person?

After considering your own desires and possibilities, when you have decided that you want mentoring to advance your career and knowledge, and when you have identified someone who you think would be an excellent mentor, you need to approach them in the right way or your idea will fail. Here are some smart steps you should take:

1. Be clear about what you are looking for, and therefore let the potential mentor know that you are interested in finding a mentor, that he/she is your choice and explain what the mutual benefit is.

2. Respect their time, because more than sure, if that person is really an expert in your field – they must be very busy, so respect their time and schedule.

3. Be specific because each area of your interest is huge and no one knows all the details and elements. When you submit a specific request, you will easily see on the basis of which criteria the mentor is the right choice.

4. Be persistent: If you don’t get an answer right away, don’t give up. Follow up with a polite message, show respect, give a sincere compliment, and continue to express your interest.

How to build a strong relationship with your mentor:


Once you have found a good teacher, it’s important to build a strong relationship with them. Here are some tips for building a strong relationship with that person.

Be open and honest: Be open and honest with your mentor about your career goals, challenges, and areas where you need help.

Be proactive: Take the initiative to set up regular meetings with your mentor and come prepared with questions and topics for discussion.

Be respectful: Remember that your tutor is taking time out of their busy schedule to help you, so be respectful of their time and expertise.

Be grateful: Show your mentor that you appreciate their guidance and support by expressing your gratitude and saying thank you.[2]


            Beginning your career in any industry can be stressful and demanding. If you are a youngster you have to adapt quickly and try to establish an effective workflow.

You can find yourself frustrated and confused without proper guidelines and practical advice about your daily tasks and obligations.

That’s why you need an experienced tutor who will support you and help you to overcome any obstacles during the adaptation process.

His or Her advice and instructions will be precious to you. A true mentor will at some point test your willingness and commitment to your job and career just to be sure that he/she isn’t wasting time with you.

Having a great teacher is only one of many steps to having a prosperous and beneficial career. It is entirely up to you how much time and effort you’ll put into your professional development.


[1]- https://www.indeed.com/career-advice

[2]- https://hbr.org/